On this Easter Sunday, we go to the tomb to be assured that it is empty, that Jesus is alive, that He came out from it. We don’t like tombs. They are scary, they are depressing, they symbolize death. It is interesting that Mary Magdala who came to Jesus’ tomb first and saw the stone removed from it did not go in. Rather she went to Peter and the other disciples to share the news. And then the younger disciples arrived at the tomb first. But again, we read that “he arrived at the tomb first; he bent down and saw the burial cloths there, but did not go in.” They all went into the tomb together. I find in this situation a beautiful and comforting message -- when I am afraid, when I am scared or uncertain, when I have questions that keep bothering me, or doubts, or when I deal with temptations, I can’t fight with them alone. I need others to help me to go through this. Mary Magdala didn’t go into the tomb alone, neither did John, but they were no longer afraid to enter it together. We are not alone, we need each other, we need to pray for each other, we need to help each other to win the battle with the darkness of sin. We can’t do it alone.
Happy Easter!
