Where did Jesus get all that strength to walk from town to town, to preach, to cure the sick, and to perform all other miracles? Of course, we may say - He is God, so He has all strength and power. However, I find something very interesting in the story presented to us in the gospel for today. Jesus once again miraculously heals the wounds of a leper. Jesus makes him clean and healthy again. And then we read that, “The report about him spread all the more, and great crowds assembled to listen to him and to be cured of their ailments, but he would withdraw to deserted places to pray.” Jesus wanted to show those people and show us today, how important it is to find time for personal prayer. To find time to talk to God. We all get busy, tired, we all have doubts and questions. That’s why we must learn from Jesus and always find time for prayer which will bring us strength.
