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Friday of the Eleventh Week in ordinary time ‘c’

Writer: Fr. KrisFr. Kris

What is most important to you, what do you value the most? Is it something that you own, a nice house, a boat? Maybe the most important for you is your hobby, collecting something for example. Perhaps all you can think about is sports, you know anything and everything about golf or baseball. Or you most value the relationships you have -- your spouse, your children, your family. There might be all kinds of things in this life that we prioritize, but today Jesus is asking you and me first and most of all to keep our mind and heart set on what is beyond this life. He tells us not to store up the things of this life because they all will pass away. Rather store our good deeds in heaven, where they will be remembered for ever. We do need good relationships, a nice hobby, interests, and other things in this life. However, at the same time we need to keep in mind that these all will pass. But if we live a good and holy life, helping and loving others, then we will gain much more than we have in this present life. “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”



©2024 by Rev. Kris Janczak

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