All the commercials and ads that we are constantly bombarded by will try to convince us that a certain product or company or organization is the very best for us. That we can only benefit from them. We have learned, of course, that they simply want to sell their product and they don’t really care about us. They only care about their own financial gain. With Jesus, it is different. Jesus wants us to become His disciples. However, He is not trying to lie to us only to get more people to believe in Him; Jesus would never do that. Jesus is very honest and warns us that being a disciple comes with many sacrifices. Today Jesus said that “you will be hated by all because of my name.” We all want to be loved, accepted, respected and we would prefer to avoid any rejection or hate. But we also know that Jesus’s first disciples gave up their lives for their faith, they were hated and killed for proclaiming the name of Jesus. And maybe we won’t be killed for believing, but we also may be mocked, ridiculed, rejected only because we believe in God.