The season of Lent is approaching. Very soon, we will begin 40 days of praying, fasting and almsgiving. Many of us will make some Lenten resolutions and some will be able to make it to the end, but some will fail. That’s because the better people we want to be, the more good deeds we want to do, and of course to pray more. Evil will be constantly tempting us to give up, to stop. I personally believe that we can’t win that battle alone; we need to ask God to help us. We can make all kinds of promises and resolutions, but if we won’t pray and ask God to help us, we will certainly fail. This is exactly what Jesus reminds His disciples today. They simply tried to fight the evil spirit relying just be their own strength, and that’s why they were unable to drive the spirit out. So, Jesus tells them -- pray, have faith, don’t rely only on your own power, but ask God to help you. With prayer and God’s help, you can do anything. “Why could we not drive the spirit out?” He said to them, “This kind can only come out through prayer.” “Everything is possible to one who has faith.”
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