Jesus said that “whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” These words can be misunderstood until we realize that Jesus is speaking today about our earthly life that lasts only for a while, and to the coming eternal life – a life that never ends. Think about it this way: we try to live in this world that we are familiar with, and for as long as possible. We try to take care of ourselves, try to be fit and healthy, avoid unhealthy things and so on. And we should, since our body is holy, we must take care of it. However, the day will come when we will need to leave this body of ours behind. Only our soul lives forever, even after we die to this world. This is why Jesus reminds us today - don’t forget about your soul, take care of it, nurture it with what is holy and good for it. This soul of yours will never die. So make sure to take good care of it, because you want your soul to go to heaven and not lose it to the darkness…
