I like this gospel reading - the well-known miracle of the multiplication of food by Jesus. This story pretty much reminds me of how our Church functions - or should function. It tells me that we all have very important roles in the Catholic Church. Jesus is the one who can work miracles and multiply a small amount of food so everybody could be satisfied. But Jesus didn’t distribute that food to others. He asked His disciples and others to do that. It is like today in the church - Jesus still performs miracles, but then He asks each one of us to help Him in distributing those miracles to others. Each one of us, according to our call and our vocation. We must take the Holy Bread given to us by the Lord and feed others with Him - we priests, deacons, religious and lay people. We all must share Jesus with others. “He said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people.”
