Jesus died on the cross for you and me. He loved us so much that He gave up His life for us. And when I think about that, I wonder if I am giving enough to Jesus, for what He did for me. There are days when I am so busy that I forget about Him. There are times when I rush through my prayers and holy mass. Do I spend enough time with Jesus? And what do I have to offer Him? How about you, are you able to offer Jesus everything you have - your love, your time, your joy, and your struggles? Is Jesus always present in your life, or do you only have a little bit of time for Him? Peter said to Jesus: “We have given up everything and followed you.” Peter knows that there is nothing left in his life that wasn’t offered to and for Jesus. He and the other disciples completely changed their lives, left behind what they used to be, and started a new life, a life with the Lord. Can you repeat after Peter - Lord I gave up everything and I am ready to follow you? Or, is there something else in your life that is holding you back from fully following Jesus?
