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Writer's pictureFr. Kris

Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time ‘b’


Jesus has the power to calm down any kind of storm. He proved that when He was in the boat with His disciples. When a violent storm arose and put their lives in danger, they cried out: “Lord, save us!  We are perishing!” And right after Jesus calmed down that storm, they all were amazed and asked, “What sort of person is this, whom even the winds and the sea obey?” We know that this Man is the Son of God who has power over everything. We just need to believe that Jesus can help us to go through any storm of our life. And there are moments when we become just like those disciples in the boat, losing our faith, terrified, and hopeless. Perhaps Jesus allows those storms in our lives just to see if we keep faith in Him even in the most difficult times and moments we must face. We just must remember that He is with us always, especially when we are terrified. We just need to call His name and ask for help. “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”

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