What do others see in us Catholics? How about those who don’t believe, or those who are still searching, do we seem attractive to them? Obviously not in our physical appearance, but does our spirit seem attractive to others? How can we bring others to our Church, to our community, and to God? We can’t bring others by telling them how wonderful our faith and our Church are. We can’t bring them back by correcting them, or their way of living, or by overwhelming them with all of our church regulations. No, I wouldn’t come to a church in which I am corrected all the time or scolded and checked to see if I follow all the rules and regulations. But I would come to a church whose members are joyful, happy, loving, understanding, forgiving, caring and welcoming. That’s how we become attractive Catholics and bring more people to God. “By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”
